Controlled Vocabularies: Coverage Type

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Term Name: date

Label:  Coverage Date 
Description:  Coverage date refers to the temporal coverage of a resource. Often this is a single date or date range that is covered and/or discussed in the intellectual content of the resource, not the creation (publication) date. Date values should be encoded as defined in the Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) Specification.

Term Name: eDate

Label:  End Date 
Description:  Deprecated Term: End date refers to the end of coverage date range that are covered and/or discussed in the intellectual content of the resource, not the creation (publication) date. Date values should be encoded as defined in a profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF] using the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Term Name: historicPlaceName

Label:  Historic Place Name 

Term Name: placeBox

Label:  Place Box 
Description:  The Place Box identifies a region of space using its geographic limits and represents that information as a value string. Components of the value string correspond to the bounding coordinates in north, south, east and west directions, plus optionally up and down, and also allow the coordinate system and units to be specified, and a name if desired. See also:

Term Name: placeName

Label:  Place Name 
Description:  Coverage place names refer to locations or areas that are covered and/or discussed in the intellectual content of the resource and not the place of publication.

Term Name: placePoint

Label:  Place Point 
Description:  The Place Point indicates a point in space using its geographic coordinates and represents that information as a value string. Components of the value string correspond to the location coordinates in north and east directions, plus optionally elevation, and also allow the coordinate system and units to be specified, and a name if desired. See also:

Term Name: sDate

Label:  Start Date 
Description:  Deprecated Term: Start date refers to the beginning of coverage date range that are covered and/or discussed in the intellectual content of the resource, not the creation (publication) date. Date values should be encoded as defined in a profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF] using the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Term Name: timePeriod

Label:  Time Period 
Description:  The time period associated with the intellectual content of the resource. Best practice for this field is to use one of a controlled list of terms such as the coverage-eras vocabulary.