
Early intervention to prevent childhood obesity among a disadvantaged population: a home-based Randomised Controlled Tri [ 2007 - 2009 ]

Also known as: Early intervention to prevent childhood obesity among a disadvantaged population:

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Li Ming Wen (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Garth Alperstein Prof Chris Rissel Prof Louise Baur

Brief description This intervention research will conduct a randomised controlled trial, of a community-based early childhood home visiting intervention designed to improve family and behavioural risk factors for childhood obesity and overweight. This intervention which will be developed in collaboration with the Health Promotion Unit, Child and Family Health Nurses, university academic experts and mothers in the community promises to deliver significant health and social benefits, in particular, preventing early onset of childhood obesity. It will result in a series of recommendations for policies and practical methods for promoting healthy feeding and physical activity of infants under two years of age with particular application to families who are socially and economically disadvantaged. These policies and practical methods for preventing childhood obesity could be used across Australia.

Funding Amount $AUD 675,082.81

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Preventive Health & Strengthen Aust. Social & Econ

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