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The National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW)

Link: http://bikewalk.org

Note that they are having a conference in September 2004 in Vancouver, BC.

The National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW) is the major program of the Bicycle Federation of America, Inc. (BFA), a national, nonprofit [501(c)(3)] corporation established in 1977. Our mission is to create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities.

The NCBW is not a membership organization; our revenue comes from grants, contracts, and consulting fees. In 2001, the NCBW was awarded a multi-year grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to provide information and resources to communities and professionals working to create more activity-friendly communities. This program is referred to as Active Living's Technical Assistance Center, or ALTAC for short. The grant is part of RWJF's efforts to provide improved opportunities for Americans to be physically active on a daily basis in the communities where they live and work. It is the largest grant ever awarded to the National Center for Bicycling & Walking.

Ongoing NCBW activities include:

  • providing specialized consulting services in the areas of long-range planning, policy development, public involvement, route selection, planning and design guidelines for bicycle and pedestrian facilities
  • training programs for public health and transportation agencies
  • economic development and tourism planning and analysis
  • organizing and managing workshops and conferences, including the biennial Pro Bike / Pro Walk conference.

In addition, we produce CenterLines, our bi-weekly electronic news bulletin, as well as the quarterly NCBW Forum. All of our publications and programs are supplemented by our comprensive web site (www.bikewalk.org), supporting the efforts of individuals and organizations working on bicycling and walking initiatives.

Finally, the NCBW works with local, state, and national bicycle, pedestrian, and transportation advocates to bring about changes in government policies, programs, and procedures to help create more bicycle friendly and walkable communities.

Added by colin #442 on 2004-05-30. Last modified 2004-05-30 01:26. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World, United States
Topics: conference, cycling, walking

Colin Leath <>    

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