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Link: http://www.energie-cites.org/

Energie-Cités is an association of European local authorities, mainly municipalities One of the aims of the association is to provide its members with information on the promotion of sustainable local energy policies. The network extends over 20 European countries and includes about 100 municipalities, the majority having between 100,000 and 300,000 inhabitants.

Energie-Cités objectives:

To strenghten the role and powers of municipalities in the energy sphere, and naturally in the sphere of energy efficiency, renewable energy and protection of the environment,

To promote debate on the EU's policy in the field of energy, environment and urban policy and to present the municipal point of view,

To develop municipal initiatives through the exchange of experience, the transfer of know-how and the organisation of joint projects.

Added by colin #442 on 2003-07-05. Last modified 2003-07-05 20:54. F0 License: Attribution
Location: World
xregion: Europe

Topics: building the carfree city, urban planning

Colin Leath <>    

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