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DOI 10.5286/raltr.2015002
Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/12399121
Record Status Checked
Record Id 12399121
Title Lectures on neutron science - Tor Vergata 2015
Abstract This lecture series was given in February 2015 as part of the International Joint Chairs Programme at the Universita degli Study di Roma - Tor Vergata (Italy). They provide an introduction to contemporary neutron science, including the foundations of neutron-scattering techniques, a survey of applications in condensed-matter research, neutron production and utilisation, and the use of computational materials modelling to add value to increasinly complex experimental studies. The first lecture gives an overview of neutron scattering with an emphasis on the merits and strengths of the technique in comparison with other probes, followed by a presentation of the general formalism to calculate and understand neutron-scattering observables. The second lecture applies the concepts introduced above to specific situations, including the mathematical formalism needed to describe the time-averaged and dynamical response of ordered and disordered matter. The third lecture provides an up-to-date account of neutron production and instrumentation, with an emphasis on the increasing use of accelerator technology to produce pulsed neutron beams. A number of recent and ongoing projects around the globe to build both small- and large-scale facilities are described, alongside emerging concepts aimed at maximising neutron production in the foreseeable future. The fourth and last lecture introduces the use of first-principles materials modelling to interpret neutron-scattering data and design new experiments, a growing area of synergy across experiment and theory. In this respect, this last lecture constitutes the in silico counterpart of the preceding three, and explores in some depth the rationale underpinning the need for computational experi- ments in the context of neutron science and the benefits derived from this increasingly important synergy. All throughout this lecture series, key concepts are illustrated by reference to recent work on phenomena of technological relevance including gas storage and sequestration in nanoporous materials, nanostructured matter, ionic conduction and charge storage, chemical catalysis, and quantum phenomena.
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Licence Information: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-2015-002. 2015. RAL-TR-2015-002.pdf 2015