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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/23711936
Record Status Checked
Record Id 23711936
Title Practical applications of simple Cosserat methods
Abstract Motivated by the need to construct models of slender elastic media that are versatile enough to accommodated non-linear phenomena under dynamical evolution, an overview is presented of recent practical applications of simple Cosserat theory. This theory offers a methodology for modeling non-linear continua that is physically accurate and amenable to controlled numerical approximation. By contrast to linear models, where non-linearities are sacrificed to produce a tractable theory, large deformations are within the range of validity of simple Cosserat models. The geometry of slender and shell-like bodies is exploited to produce a theory that contains as few degrees of freedom as is physically reasonable. In certain regimes it is possible to include fluid-structure interactions in Cosserat rod theory in order to model, for example, drill-string dynamics, undersea riser dynamics and cable-stayed bridges in light wind-rain conditions. The formalism also lends itself to computationally efficient, effective models of microscopic carbon nanotubes and macroscopic gravitational antennae.
Organisation CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Book Chapter or Section In Mechanics of Generalized Continua: One Hundred Years After the Cosserats. Edited by A V Metrikine, G A Maugin , chapter 10, 87-98. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010. https://doi.org/1…978-1-4419-5695-8_10 2010