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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/28901
Record Status Checked
Record Id 28901
Title Formal Perspectives on an Object-Based Modelling Language
Abstract Object-Based languages, methods and designs have become increasingly important in the software engineering community. However, although there has been much theoretical work, there is no commonly accepted method for describing their formal foundations. This paper describes work in progress to formalise an object-based language, the EXPRESS ISQ standard language for modelling data, using the Vienna Development Method (VDM). We use this to clarify features of EXPRESS, to discuss some general issues in modelling and as a case study in the formalisation of the semantics of an object-based language. This is described together with the problems being addressed and future plans.
Organisation CCLRC , BITD
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Proceedings of the 6th EXPRESS User Group Conference. ISBN 0-8186-8641-3 , Toronto, Canada , 5-6th October, 1996, (1996). 1996