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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/29620
Record Status Checked
Record Id 29620
Title The Dualized Standard Model and its Applications - An Interim Report
Abstract Based on a nonabelian generalization of electric-magnetic duality, the Dualized Standard Model (DSM) suggests a natural explanation for exactly 3 generations of fermions as the 'dual colour' SU(3) symmetry broken in a particular manner. The resulting scheme then offers on the one hand a fermion mass hierarchy and a perturbative method for calculating the mass and mixing parameters of the Standard Model fermions, and on the other testable predictions for new phenomena ranging from rare meson decays to ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Calculations to 1-loop order gives, at the cost of adjusting only 3 real parameters, values for the following qualities all (except one) in very good agreement with experiment: the quark CKM matrix elements subscript rs and the second generation masses m subscript c, m subscript s, m subscript muon. This means, in particular, that it gives near maximal mixing U subscript muon3 between neutrino subscript muon and neutrino subscript tauon as observed by SuperKamiokande and Soudan, while keeping small the corresponding quark angles V subscript cb, V subscript ts. In addition, the scheme gives (i) rough order-of-magnitude estimates for the masses of the lowest generation, (ii) predictions for low energy FCNC effects such as K subscript L *a electron muon, (iii) a possible explanation for the long-standing puzzle of air-showers beyond the GZF cut-off. All these together, however, still represent but a portion of the possible physical consequences derivable from the DSM scheme the majority of which are yet to be explored.
Organisation CCLRC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-1999-015. 1999. raltr-1999015.pdf 1999