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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/30230
Record Status Checked
Record Id 30230
Title Data Management for High Performance Computing Users in the UK
Abstract The UK computational science and engineering community relies heavily on simulations using High Performance Computers (HPC). The performance of our national facilities has increased significantly over the last years (Cray T3D - Cray T3E 600 - Cray T3E 1200) encouraging increased model resolutions, longer runs and studies of larger systems. This development is stretching the current systems to their limits and beyond. Hereby the handling of program I/O has proven to be one of the main limiting factors. To improve the efficiency of use of our national HPC systems we must examine our handling and maximise our use of the simulation data which is produced. CLRC is involved in a number of projects on different topics with data management requirements. These are summarised on Web http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/Activity/DMC. The Computational Science and Engineering Department (CSE) is hereby responsible for a number of projects specifically targeted at the support of HPC users. The Data Management in Climate Research Project (DAMP) investigates the requirements and possible solutions in this area. We are also represented in the European Development of an Interdisciplinary Round Table for Emerging Computer Technologies (DIRECT). In addition we are working in close collaboration with the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) on the topics of data formats and data interoperability. For the future we hope to participate in two new European projects. The development of a European climate data network which will enable faster access to the required data and the prototype development of a national spatial data infrastructure, which addresses the delivery bottleneck of large HP results to the user. The talk will give an overview about the current status of the projects and will discuss possibilities for the future.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-DMG
Keywords HPC , Data Management
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 5th Cray/SGI MPP Workshop in Bologna , CINECA, Bologna, Italy, September 1999, (1999). 1999