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Full Record Details

Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32889
Record Status Checked
Record Id 32889
Title Beam loss control on the ESS accumulator rings
Abstract The requirements for beam loss control on the 1.334 GeV accumulator rings of the European Spallation Source are summarised. The main features of the beam loss collector system design are described, along with the underlying aims. Use of a specially developed code to test the proposed system under most foreseeable loss conditions, with machine errors, is described. Predicted collection efficiencies, in terms of localisation and surviving halo, are given. Simulations indicate that the required uncontrolled loss levels of <1 W/m over most of the machine will be achievable.
Organisation CCLRC , ISIS , ISIS-ACCEL
Keywords proton , high intensity , Physics , beam loss , collimation , synchrotron , accumulator
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, Illinois, USA, 8-12 April, 2002, (2002). CDR_PDFS_INDEXED_174_1.pdf 2002