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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/33732
Record Status Checked
Record Id 33732
Title Starlink Software - a Grid and Web enabled future using Globus?
Abstract The rapid development of AstroGrid within the UK community has made it important that as much existing data analysis software as possible is made "Grid aware". With the geographical dispersion of resources on the Grid, web-interfaces (known as "portals") to applications and utilities are likely to became increasingly prevalent. This paper describes preliminary work done by Starlink in these areas and possible future directions. A prototype Grid-Portal has been created using "MyProxy" technology to demonstrate secure login, access to several Grid utilities and the capability to run several basic Starlink Applications. Two approaches to enable remote data access for existing applications (direct integration with the Globus API and indirect use of Globus utilities) have been shown to be viable. The Globus Toolkit as well as derived and alternative Grid "middleware" are all in a period of very rapid development. It is, however, expected that this preliminary work by Starlink will place the Project in a good position to take rapid advantage of forthcoming advances.
Organisation CCLRC , SSTD
Keywords Physics , astronomical software
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, Victoria, BC, Canada, 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2001, (2001). portal.pdf 2001