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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34070885
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Record Id 34070885
Title ELI-NP GBS Status
Abstract New generation of Compton sources are developing in different countries to take advantage of the photon energy amplification given by the Compton backscattering effect. In this framework the Eurogammas international collaboration is producing a very high brilliance gamma source for the Nuclear Pillar of the Exterme Light Infrastructure program (ELI). At present there is a lot of effort in the mass production of all the components and in the developments and tests of the different high technology devices that will operate in the gammas beam source, like the optical recirculator and the high gradient - high average current warm C band accelerating sections. In this paper we will provide a general overview of the GBS status and of the perspectives for the future integration phase.
Organisation TECH , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017, (2017): 880-883. http://accelconf.…/papers/mopva016.pdf 2017