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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34479
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Record Id 34479
Title Data Processing at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
M Beck (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), A Aubord (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), P Bartholdi (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), V Beckmann (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), P Binko (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), J Borkowski (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), T Contessi (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), T Courvoisier (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), P Dubath (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), K Ebisawa (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), M Gaber (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), D Götz (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), T Jaffe (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), D Jennings (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), P Kretschmar (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), D Landriu (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), I Lecoeur (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), L Lerusse (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), T Lock (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), M T Meharga (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), S Mereghetti (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), N Morisset (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), N Mowlavi (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), S Paltani (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), J Peachey (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), B O'Neel (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), N Produit (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), R Rohlfs (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), A Sauvageon (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), S Shaw (INTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), M Tuerler (NTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH), R Walter (NTEGRAL science Data Center, Geneva CH)
Abstract INTEGRAL, the INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory of the European Space Agency, was launched on October 17, 2002. INTEGRAL operations are performed very successfully and the instruments provide data of good quality. These data are routed to the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC), where they are processed, archived and finally distributed to the science community. In this paper we present the organisation of the centre and its software development. Some details of the data flow are given along with a description of the core ISDC software libraries.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-DMG
Keywords Physics , Engineering , INTEGRAL
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the conference held 12-15 October, 2003 in Strasbourg, France. Edited by Francois Ochsenbein, Mark G. Allen and Daniel Egret. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 314. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.436. Presented at: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII (ADASS), Strasbourg, France, 12-15 Oct 2003.