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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35403
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Record Id 35403
Title DynamicWrappers: a rule based metadata conversion and integration system for e-Science applications
Abstract A need to integrate heterogeneous metadata/relational data sources on the Grid and in e-Science Projects exists Often this is done in a time consuming and hard-coded way. What is proposed is a generic dynamic configuration driven Grid aware system which initially supports the transformation of metadata from any Relational Schema to any XML Schema. Existing Transformation systems are either manual or not fully featured enough to support anything but fixed non-recursive structures as well as not being Grid aware. A configuration based approach is not only amenable to further tool support but makes homogenisation to common standards require less man effort than bespoke solutions. A configuration based system will be a natural fit to some of the important data management requirements of many Grid/e-Science projects.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-DMG
Keywords Engineering , metadata , transformation , integration , xml , dataportal , rule based , sql , ddl
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Fourth All Hands Meeting, 19 - 22nd September 2005 Nottingham, (2005). 564.pdf 2005