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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35886
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Record Id 35886
Title WSRP Support Investigation of Selected Open-Source Portal Frameworks
Abstract WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets) is a promising Web services specification used to standardize presentation-based access to remote Web portal content. In combination with the JSR-168 standard, portlet developers are freed of doing the hard work in publishing their portlets to a remote portal: ideally it is the duty of a portal framework to publish the portlets it manages. Code reusability can now be achieved with JSR-168 while deploy once is achieved through WSRP. In this paper the WSRP support provided by selected open-source portal frameworks including the eXo platform, Liferay, StringBeans and uPortal are reported. WSRP4J, which is not a portal framework but a reference implementation of the WSRP 1.0 specification, is also discussed. Based on our test results, a WSRP consumer has been developed for Sakai, a collaboration and learning environment, based on the WSRP4J consumer, which enables Sakai to consume JSR-168 portlets. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC , ESC-GTG
Keywords Archaeology , web services for remote portlets, portal, grid , WSRP , grid portal
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Poster at GCE 05: Grid Portals Workshop, held in conjunction with SC|05, 18 November 2005, Seattle, USA. Presented at: SuperComputing 2005 Grid Computing Environments Workshop (GCE05), Seattle, November 2005. 10.1002/cpe.1116 2005