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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36656
Record Status Checked
Record Id 36656
Title Report on radiation environment analysis for the cruise phase of an interplanetary mission
Abstract This document presents the results of SEDAT work package 302 which is a demonstration of the application of SEDAT to perform a radiation environment analysis for the cruise phase of an interplanetary missions. There are several aspects of this application and these are reflected in the subsequent sections of the document. A key issue is the implementation of the Shieldose model as a SEDAT tool. This model is widely used to calculate the radiation doses in various materials due to energetic particle fluxes incident on various depths of aluminium shielding protecting those materials. Thus this tool, together with the energetic particle data in the SEDAT database, is the practical basis of this work package. The Shieldose model is available as a Fortran programme and had to be adapted slightly into to make it work within the SEDAT environment. Section 3 outlines that adaption with sufficient detail to demonstrate the major issues and show that the adaption is well-documented and properly verified. In addition, Section 4 discusses some important features of Shieldose that have been identified during the adaption and preserved in the SEDAT tool; it is important that users are aware of these features. The next three sections (5, 6 and 7) describe the separate application of Shieldose to different particles types - first solar protons, then trapped protons and finally electrons. These sections outline any special processing needed to handle data on these different particles. In section 8 we describe a simple tool to merge and display the dose-depth data for these different particle types. In section 9 we bring all this work together and show how SEDAT apply these applications to a particular mission scenario selected by ESA.
Organisation CCLRC , SSTD
Keywords interplanetary cruise , radation dose , Physics , solar protons , space weather
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report Report on radiation environment analysis for the cruise phase of an interplanetary mission, RAL-SED-RP-0302. wp302_report_v4.pdf 2005