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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/37275
Record Status Checked
Record Id 37275
Title Deriving Policies from Grid Security Requirements Model
Abstract The emerging Grid applications require rigorous approaches to handle security management issues as their scale, heterogeneity, and complexity can not be handled with simple examination and monitoring mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a rigorous method of deriving security policies for grid applications. These policies are derived from a security requirements model built using the KAOS requirement engineering methodology. We consider an example grid application of distributed file system; its formal security requirements model is developed followed by its refinement and then the derivation of security policy for this application. The derived policies are refined and transformed into operational policies for their implementation. We developed templates for the security policies to facilitate and formalise the various stages of policy derivation.
Organisation CCLRC , ESC
Keywords security policies , Grid Security , engineering , requirements
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2nd CoreGRID Intergraion Workshop, Krakow, Poland, October 2006, (2006): 151-163. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-72812-4_12 2006