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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/42818149
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Record Id 42818149
Title First demonstration of ARC-accelerated proton beams at the National Ignition Facility
D Mariscal (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), T Ma (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), SC Wilks (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), AJ Kemp (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), GJ Williams (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), P Michel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), H Chen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), PK Patel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), BA Remington (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M Bowers (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), L Pelz (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), MR Hermann (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), W Hsing (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), D Martinez (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R Sigurdsson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M Prantil (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A Conder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), J Lawson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M Hamamoto (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), P Di Nicola (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), C Widmayer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), D Homoelle (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R Lowe-Webb (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), S Herriot (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), W Williams (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), D Alessi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), D Kalantar (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R Zacharias (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), C Haefner (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), N Thompson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), T Zobrist (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), D Lord (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), N Hash (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A Pak (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), N Lemos (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), M Tabak (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), C McGuffey (University of California at San Diego), J Kim (University of California at San Diego), FN Beg (University of California at San Diego), MS Wei (General Atomics), P Norreys (University of Oxford), A Morace (Institute of Laser Engineering), N Iwata (Institute of Laser Engineering), Y Sentoku (Institute of Laser Engineering), D Neely (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.), GG Scott (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.), K Flippo (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Organisation CLF , STFC
Funding Information DOE Office of Science, Early Career Research Program (SCW1651); USADOE (DE-AC52-07NA27344); LLNL (17-ERD-039)
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Journal Article Phys Plasmas 26, no. 4 (2019): 043110. doi:10.1063/1.5085787 2019