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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/42995
Record Status Checked
Record Id 42995
Title Bose-Einstein condensate in solid 4He
Abstract We present neutron scattering measurements of the atomic momentum distribution, n(k), in solid helium under a pressure p = 41 bars (molar volume Vm = (20.01±0.02) cm^3/mol) and at temperatures between 80 mK and 500 mK. The aim is to determine whether there is Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) below the critical temperature, Tc = 200 mK where a superfluid density has been observed. Assuming BEC appears as a macroscopic occupation of the k = 0 state below Tc, we find a condensate fraction of n0 = (-0.10±1.20)% at T = 80 mK and n0 = (0.08±0.78)% at T = 120 mK, consistent with zero. The shape of n(k) also does not change on crossing Tc within measurement precision.
Organisation CCLRC , ISIS , ISIS-MARI
Keywords Physics , supersolid helium , neutron scattering , Bose-Einstein condensate , ISIS 2007 Update
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Rev Lett 98 (2007): 205301. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.205301 2007