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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/43555
Record Status Checked
Record Id 43555
Title Trust and Security in Grids: A State of the Art
Abstract The Trust and Security activity in CoreGRID runs as a horizontal integration activity related to all the research areas, making the Network participants aware of the use of the technologies associated with trust and security. This paper presents an overview of the different concepts and technologies relevant to trust and security in Grid systems. It analyses the relation between trust and security, describes trust and security challenges in the Grid, and introduces the existing mechanisms for managing trust and security. The core of the document is the trust and security requirements across the CoreGRID Institutes, and the description of the work being carried out to meet such requirements.
Organisation ESC , ESC-IM , STFC
Keywords Grids , Trust , Virtual Organizations , Privacy , Security , Engineering
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report CoreGRID White Paper WHP-0001. 2008. whp-0001.pdf 2008