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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/48899193
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Record Id 48899193
Title PIC Simulation of Pseudospark Discharge-Based Plasma Cathode Electron Source for the Generation of High Current Density and Energetic Electron Beam
Abstract A plasma cathode electron (PCE) source using single-gap to multigap pseudospark discharge (PD) for the generation of high density and energetic electron beams has been proposed based on our study with the help of OOPIC PRO simulation code. The simulation model comprises the successive high voltage breakdown and plasma discharge processes for single-gap to multigap PD-PCE sources. A combined analysis of a single gap to multigap PD-PCE source with the operating gas pressures 20-60 Pa, the applied voltages 20-35 kV, and the electrode aperture sizes 2-6 mm for the generation of pulsed electron beams suitable for potential and growing applications in extreme ultraviolet (EUV)/Soft X-ray, microwave, and surface modification is presented. Trigger electrons are used to form the controlled and efficient plasma inside the hollow cathode cavity. The generated high density (~2.8 × 10 5 A/cm 2 ) and up to 32-kV electron beams are governed by the penetrated dynamic equipotential lines. The electron beam current increases with the increase of gas pressure and the number of gaps and decreases for the increase in the diameter of the electrode apertures of the PD-PCE source. The investigation has helped to generate the required electron beam by optimizing the operating and geometrical parameters of the PD-PCE source.
Organisation CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article IEEE Trans Electron Devices 67, no. 4 (2020): 1793-1796. doi:10.1109/TED.2020.2971381 2020