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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/49153
Record Status Checked
Record Id 49153
Title Slow Ground Motion Modelling of DIAMOND
Abstract The need for high stability in third generation light sources has produced strict requirements on the design of the foundations. The specification for the concrete floor stability is a critical task, which can have a major cost impact. A careful assessment of the effects of slow ground motion on the accelerator is therefore required. This paper presents the results of simulations using various ground motion models for the DIAMOND storage ring and the booster synchrotron. The modelling is implemented in flexible manner through the use of a Mathematica to MAD interface. This interface provides various high level functions such as access to an SVD algorithm, which provides effective correction of the closed orbit distortions, the implementation of motion on girders and the statistical analysis and graphical presentation of results.
Organisation CCLRC , ASTeC , ASTeC-AP
Keywords Physics
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 2003), Portland, Oregon, 12-16 May 2003, . WPAB085.pdf