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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50463
Record Status Checked
Record Id 50463
Title SRF cavity geometry optimization for the ILC with minimized surface E.M. fields and superior bandwidth
Abstract The main linacs of the ILC consist of nine-cell cavities based on the TESLA design. In order to facilitate reaching higher gradients we have re-designed the cavity shape. This leads to a reduction, comparable to several current designs, in both the ratio of the surface electric field to the accelerating field (Es/Ea) and the magnetic field to the accelerating field (Bs/Ea). The bandwidth of the accelerating mode is also optimized. This new shape, which we refer to as the New Low Surface Field (NLSF) design, bears comparison with the Ichiro , Re-entrant and LSF designs.
Organisation CI , ILC
Keywords SSTD 2009-2010 , SCRF , Physics , Cavity , ILC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC09), Vancouver, Canada, 4-8 May 2009, CI Preprints, Cockcroft-09-11 (2009). Cockcroft-09-11.pdf 2009