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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/52365734
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Record Id 52365734
Title 100,000 Genomes Pilot on Rare-Disease Diagnosis in Health Care — Preliminary Report
D Smedley (From Genomics England (D.S.), KR Smith (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Martin (From Genomics England (D.S.), EA Thomas (From Genomics England (D.S.), EM McDonagh (From Genomics England (D.S.), V Cipriani (From Genomics England (D.S.), JM Ellingford (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Arno (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Tucci (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Vandrovcova (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Chan (From Genomics England (D.S.), HJ Williams (From Genomics England (D.S.), T Ratnaike (From Genomics England (D.S.), W Wei (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Stirrups (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Ibanez (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Moutsianas (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Wielscher (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Need (From Genomics England (D.S.), MR Barnes (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Vestito (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Buchanan (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Wordsworth (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Ashford (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Rehmström (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Li (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Fuller (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Twiss (From Genomics England (D.S.), O Spasic-Boskovic (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Halsall (From Genomics England (D.S.), RA Floto (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Poole (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Wagner (From Genomics England (D.S.), SG Mehta (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Gurnell (From Genomics England (D.S.), N Burrows (From Genomics England (D.S.), R James (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Penkett (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Dewhurst (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Gräf (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Mapeta (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Kasanicki (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Haworth (From Genomics England (D.S.), H Savage (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Babcock (From Genomics England (D.S.), MG Reese (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Bale (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Baple (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Boustred (From Genomics England (D.S.), H Brittain (From Genomics England (D.S.), A de Burca (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Bleda (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Devereau (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Halai (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Haraldsdottir (From Genomics England (D.S.), Z Hyder (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Kasperaviciute (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Patch (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Polychronopoulos (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Matchan (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Sultana (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Ryten (From Genomics England (D.S.), AL Tavares (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Tregidgo (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Turnbull (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Welland (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Wood (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Snow (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Williams (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Leigh (From Genomics England (D.S.), RE Foulger (From Genomics England (D.S.), LC Daugherty (From Genomics England (D.S.), O Niblock (From Genomics England (D.S.), IU Leong (From Genomics England (D.S.), CF Wright (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Davies (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Crichton (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Welch (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Woods (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Abulhoul (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Aurora (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Bockenhauer (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Broomfield (From Genomics England (D.S.), MA Cleary (From Genomics England (D.S.), T Lam (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Dattani (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Footitt (From Genomics England (D.S.), V Ganesan (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Grunewald (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Compeyrot-Lacassagne (From Genomics England (D.S.), F Muntoni (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Pilkington (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Quinlivan (From Genomics England (D.S.), N Thapar (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Wallis (From Genomics England (D.S.), LR Wedderburn (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Worth (From Genomics England (D.S.), T Bueser (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Compton (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Deshpande (From Genomics England (D.S.), H Fassihi (From Genomics England (D.S.), E Haque (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Izatt (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Josifova (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Mohammed (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Robert (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Rose (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Ruddy (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Sarkany (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Say (From Genomics England (D.S.), AC Shaw (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Wolejko (From Genomics England (D.S.), B Habib (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Burns (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Hunter (From Genomics England (D.S.), RJ Grocock (From Genomics England (D.S.), SJ Humphray (From Genomics England (D.S.), PN Robinson (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Haendel (From Genomics England (D.S.), MA Simpson (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Banka (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Clayton-Smith (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Douzgou (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Hall (From Genomics England (D.S.), HB Thomas (From Genomics England (D.S.), RT O’Keefe (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Michaelides (From Genomics England (D.S.), AT Moore (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Malka (From Genomics England (D.S.), N Pontikos (From Genomics England (D.S.), AC Browning (From Genomics England (D.S.), V Straub (From Genomics England (D.S.), GS Gorman (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Horvath (From Genomics England (D.S.), R Quinton (From Genomics England (D.S.), AM Schaefer (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Yu-Wai-Man (From Genomics England (D.S.), DM Turnbull (From Genomics England (D.S.), R McFarland (From Genomics England (D.S.), RW Taylor (From Genomics England (D.S.), E O’Connor (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Yip (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Newland (From Genomics England (D.S.), HR Morris (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Polke (From Genomics England (D.S.), NW Wood (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Campbell (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Camps (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Gibson (From Genomics England (D.S.), N Koelling (From Genomics England (D.S.), T Lester (From Genomics England (D.S.), AH Németh (From Genomics England (D.S.), C Palles (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Patel (From Genomics England (D.S.), NB Roy (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Sen (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Taylor (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Cacheiro (From Genomics England (D.S.), JO Jacobsen (From Genomics England (D.S.), EG Seaby (From Genomics England (D.S.), V Davison (From Genomics England (D.S.), L Chitty (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Douglas (From Genomics England (D.S.), K Naresh (From Genomics England (D.S.), D McMullan (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Ellard (From Genomics England (D.S.), IK Temple (From Genomics England (D.S.), AD Mumford (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Wilson (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Beales (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Bitner-Glindzicz (From Genomics England (D.S.), G Black (From Genomics England (D.S.), JR Bradley (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Brennan (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Burn (From Genomics England (D.S.), PF Chinnery (From Genomics England (D.S.), P Elliott (From Genomics England (D.S.), F Flinter (From Genomics England (D.S.), H Houlden (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Irving (From Genomics England (D.S.), W Newman (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Rahman (From Genomics England (D.S.), JA Sayer (From Genomics England (D.S.), JC Taylor (From Genomics England (D.S.), AR Webster (From Genomics England (D.S.), AO Wilkie (From Genomics England (D.S.), WH Ouwehand (From Genomics England (D.S.), FL Raymond (From Genomics England (D.S.), J Chisholm (From Genomics England (D.S.), S Hill (From Genomics England (D.S.), D Bentley (From Genomics England (D.S.), RH Scott (From Genomics England (D.S.), T Fowler (From Genomics England (D.S.), A Rendon (From Genomics England (D.S.), M Caulfield (From Genomics England (D.S.)
Funding Information DH; OD (1R24OD011883); OD (5-UM1-HG006370); NIHR; WT; MRC; CRUK; Government of the United Kingdom
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Journal Article New England Journal of Medicine 385, no. 20 (2021): 1868-1880. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2035790 2021