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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/52841
Record Status Checked
Record Id 52841
Title Multi-core aware performance optimization of halo exchanges in ocean simulations
Abstract The advent of multi-core brings new opportunities for performance optimization in MPI codes. For example, the cost of performing a halo exchange in a finite-difference simulation can be reduced by choosing a partition into sub-domains that takes advantage of the faster shared-memory mechanisms available for communication between MPI tasks on the same node. I have implemented these ideas in the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal-Ocean Modelling System, and find that multi-core aware optimizations can offer significant performance benefit, especially on systems built from hex-core chips. I also review several multi-core agnostic techniques for improving halo exchange performance.
Organisation CSE , CSE-HEC , STFC
Keywords multi-core , performance optimisation , halo exchange , domain decomposition , Natural environment , MPI , scalability , combinatorics
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In Cray User Group Conference 2010 (CUG 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland, 24-27 May 2010, (2010). Pickles-CUG2010-revised.pdf 2010