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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/53502
Record Status Checked
Record Id 53502
Title Synchrotron energy dispersive powder diffraction
Abstract During four weeks of useful beam time during the summer of 1986, the authors of this report used the test station 9.7 t explore the possibilities for developing Energy Dispersive Diffraction (EDD) as a separate facility at Daresbury. Novel applications of EDD were made in three areas: which are details in this report. 1. real time EDD of hydrating cements; 2. monitoring crystallisation of alkanes using EDD; 3. use of EDD in high pressure lattice parameters and intensity measurements; The longer-term conclusions from these trials are that useful EDD can be effective and cheaply developed on 9.7 after the HBL alterations of 1986/87. The experiences gained during these trials would enable us to design and build an improved system that would place the Daresbury synchrotron at the forefront of EDD technology.
Organisation SRS , 9.7 , SERC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report DL Technical Reports DL-SCI-TM55E. 1987. DL-SCI-TM55E.pdf 1987