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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/62186
Record Status Checked
Record Id 62186
Title Development of longitudinal beam profile diagnostics within DITANET
Abstract The exact determination of the time structure of ever shorter bunches in accelerators and light sources such as for example the X-FEL, the ILC or CLIC is of high importance for the successful operation of these nextgeneration machines. It is also a key to the optimization of existing scientific infrastructures. The exact measurement of the time structure poses a number of challenges to the beam diagnostics system: The monitors should be non-destructive, easy to maintain and provide time resolutions down to the femtosecond regime. Several DITANET partners are active in this field. This contribution gives examples of the network's research activities in this area with a focus on the LHC longitudinal density monitor, beam profile monitoring using electro-optics techniques and the exploitation of diffraction radiation for non-invasive diagnostics.
Organisation CI
Keywords Physics
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC'11), New York, USA, 28 Mar 2010 - 1 Apr 2010, CI Preprints, Cockcroft-11-04 (2011). Cockcroft-11-04.pdf 2011