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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/62464
Record Status Checked
Record Id 62464
Title An Open Source Linked Data Framework for Publishing Environment Data under the UK Location Strategy
Abstract Linked data offers a novel and more flexible means of sharing complex geospatial datasets by breaking away from the traditional domain-specific technologies used for accessing and integrating geospatial data with heterogeneous sources and disparate formats. In 2010, the UK Cabinet Office released a set of draft guidelines for exposing geospatial data as linked-data in support of the UK Open Data initiative. These draft guidelines have been proposed under the UK Location Strategy in specific recognition of the importance of geospatial data, and also with a view to promote linked-data within the EU INSPIRE community. This paper presents a customisable open-source linked-data framework developed by the GeoTOD-II project that implements these guidelines. The framework provides an efficient means for exposing both existing and new data sources in the linked-data form. We also attempt to articulate and address a number of issues and hidden assumptions with these guidelines identified during the development of the framework.
Organisation ESC , STFC , ESC-SA
Keywords INSPIRE , linked-data , geospatial data , DEFRA , GeoTOD
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In Terra Cognita Workshop on Foundations, Technologies and Applications of the Geospatial Web (Terra Cognita 2011), Bonn, Germany, (2011). http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-798/paper6.pdf TC11_GeoTod.doc 2011