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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/63681
Record Status Checked
Record Id 63681
Title iFit : a generic tool to handle data sets and models. Example use together with McStas for instrument optimization, and data analysis
Abstract Neutron scattering technique produce more and more complex data sets. And the tools we use daily, resulting from decades of software production, are very efficient but often perceived as non-ideal in terms of interface and simplicity. The gap from existing software to the ideal tools is huge: users stop using a software when install fails, few people read the documentation, interfaces are too specialized/crowded, scripts and configuration files should be human-readable, ... In this presentation, the iFit new Matlab tool for data analysis will be introduced [1,2]. This prototype provides all functionalities required for importation of any data set, including NeXus and free format text, tens of mathematical operators, plotting routines, merging and catenation of data sets, and actually fit to any multi-dimensional models with a large choice of optimization routines. The package is distributed as source code, and binary packages (not requiring Matlab license) for the usual common systems. After a presentation of this tool, we shall demonstrate its use coupled together with Mcstas [3,4,5,6] in order to perform multi-parameter instrument optimization, as well as advanced powder Rietveld refinement including a Mcstas instrument description to model the diffractometer resolution, and FullProf/CrysFML routines to handle the powder structure. References 1. E. Farhi et al, 'Data analysis and optimization with iFit', J. Neut. Research, accepted for publication (to appear in 2012).
Keywords NOBUGS2012
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Presentation Presented at NOBUGS 2012 (NOBUGS 2012), RAL, UK, 2012. NOBUGS-iFit-talk.pdf 2012