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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/64351
Record Status Checked
Record Id 64351
Title Ground State in a Half-Doped Manganite Distinguished by Neutron Spectroscopy
Abstract We have measured the spin-wave spectrum of the half-doped bilayer manganite Pr(Ca,Sr)2Mn2O7 in its spin, charge, and orbital ordered phase. The measurements, which extend throughout the Brillouin zone and cover the entire one-magnon spectrum, are compared critically with spin-wave calculations for different models of the electronic ground state. The data are described very well by the Goodenough model, which has weakly interacting ferromagnetic zig-zag chains in the CE-type arrangement. A model that allows ferromagnetic dimers to form within the zigzags is inconsistent with the data. The analysis conclusively rules out the strongly bound dimer (Zener polaron) model.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-MAPS , STFC
Keywords Physics , ISIS 2013
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Rev Lett 109, no. 23 (2012): 237202. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.237202 2012