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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/6587
Record Status Checked
Record Id 6587
Title Stress measurement: experience at ISIS
Abstract The ISIS facility, situated at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, is the world’s most intense source of pulsed neutrons. The two powder diffractometers at ISIS are described, with particular reference to their use for measurements of applied and residual stress. A brief outline of an instrument optimised for enginnering applications of neutron scattering, currently being designed at ISIS, is also given. Finally, novel analysis software based on the traditional Rietveld technique allows (hkl) dependent peak shifts and broadening to be investigated.
Keywords ISIS 1992 (RAL Report) , ISIS 1992 , ISIS 1992 Update , Materials
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Language English (EN)
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Book Chapter or Section In Measurements of residual and applied stress using Neutron Diffraction. NATO ASI Series Vol.216 edited by M T Hutchings & A D Krawitz, 383-388. Springer, 1992. https://doi.org/1…978-94-011-2797-4_30 1992