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Connotea Connotea

Matrix 10092 of Study 11114

About Citation title: "Divergence-Time Estimation Using Fossils as Terminal Taxa and the Origins of Lissamphibia".
About Study name: "Divergence-Time Estimation Using Fossils as Terminal Taxa and the Origins of Lissamphibia".
About This study is part of submission 11104 (Status: Published).


Title: Stegocephalis morphology


Taxon Label Row Segments Characters 1?–30
Acanthostega  (none) 000000100110000100000000010010
Adelogyrinidae  (none) 1000011011101-0111---00-0?01?0
Aistopoda  (none) 2{12}?00{12}{12}{01}11100-01{0
Amphibamus  (none) ??000010??10000100???000010000
Apateon  (none) ??{04}001111?10000100{12}0?000
Archeria  (none) 1020001001000?0000110001010010
Ariekanerpeton  (none) 210001101110010000200001010000
Asaphestera  (none) 2{12}40011011100-011010000-010
Baphetidae  (none) 100010101110000{01}00100000010
Brachystelechidae  (none) 2{12}4{12}021111111-01100002--
Captorhinidae  (none) 220{01}01111110110101---01-010
Cardiocephalus  (none) 2{12}41021011100-011010000-010
Colosteidae  (none) 100000100110000{01}00100000020
Crassigyrinus  (none) 1000001?11000?0000110000000010
Dendrerpeton  (none) 2{12}0000101110000000?01000010
Diadectes  (none) 2{12}3001101110000100300110010
Discoglossidae  (none) 22{04}0212-11100-1111---2--1-1
Doleserpeton  (none) 2?0000111?10000100?0?000010000
Ecolsonia  (none) 2{12}0000111110000100201000020
Eocaecilia  (none) 2240021011111-1111---2--020000
Eryops  (none) 2{12}0000101110000100201000010
Gephyrostegidae  (none) 2{12}500111?100000000???001010
Hynobiidae  (none) 2240221-11111-1111---2--011202
Ichthyophiidae  (none) 2240021011211-1111---2--1-1222
Ichthyostega  (none) 000000100010000100{12}00100010
Karaurus  (none) 2?00221-1?1?1-1111---2--0?1212
Kotlassia  (none) 2{12}0001101110010000200001010
Limnoscelis  (none) 2{12}3101101110000100300111010
Lysorophia  (none) 2240221011101-111000001-021202
Microbrachis  (none) 10?0011011101-011010000-0?0000
Nectridea  (none) {12}{01}000{012}{13}{01}11{01}
Osteolepiformes  (none) 00{01}001001000000000000000000
Panderichthyidae  (none) 000200100000000{01}00000000000
Pantylus  (none) 2{12}01011011100-111010000-010
Pipidae  (none) 2240212-11100-{01}111---2--1-1
Procolophonidae  (none) 224102111111000101---2--010000
Proteidae  (none) 224?221--1110-1111---2--1-1222
Proterogyrinus  (none) 1{01}20001001000?0000110001010
Rhinatrematidae  (none) 2240021011210-1111---2--1-1222
Rhynchonkos  (none) 2{12}4{12}021011100-011010000-
Seymouria  (none) 2{12}0001101110010000201001010
Sirenidae  (none) 2240221--111{01}-1111---2--1-1
Solenodonsaurus  (none) 2{12}300010??10?001?0???001010
Synapsida  (none) 22{34}{01}01111110000100300011
Tersomius  (none) 2{12}00011111100001002??000010
Triadobatrachus  (none) 2{12}30212-?1101-0111---2--0?1
Tulerpeton  (none) 00{02}0????0??????????????????
Utaherpeton  (none) 2{12}4?011011???-0??0?????-020
Westlothiana  (none) 2{12}40011{01}??00000100??0001
Typhlonectidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Hyloidea  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Caeciliidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Ascaphidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Leiopelmatidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Bombinatoridae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Rhinophrynidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Scaphiopodidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Pelobatidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Pelodytidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Megophryidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Calyptocephallidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Heleophrynidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Sooglossidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Myobatrachidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Ranoidea  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Cryptobranchidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Ambystomatidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Salamandridae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Amphiumidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Dicamptodontidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Hemidactylinae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Spelerpinae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Bolitoglossinae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Plethodontinae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Rhyacotritonidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????
Calyptocephalellidae  (none) ??????????????????????????????


Column Character Description
1 Lateral-line location in adults
2 Lateral-line canals or grooves in ontogeny
3 Dermal sculpturing
4 Rostrum
5 Orbit shape
6 Jaw joint position
7 Frontal
8 Frontal orbital contribution between prefrontal and postfrontal
9 External naris position
10 Anterior tectal
11 Skull table-cheek joint
12 Parietal exposure
13 Parietal-squamosal contact
14 Postorbital-supratemporal contact
15 Pineal foramen
16 Intertemporal
17 Supratemporal
18 Tabular
19 Tabular occipital flange
20 Subdermal tabular horn
21 Ventrally bent, sculptured tabular horn
22 Postparietal number
23 Postpatietal position
24 Tabular-parietal contact
25 Prefrontal
26 Prefrontal anterior contact
27 Postfrontal
28 Postorbital
29 Lacrimal
30 Jugal
31 Temporal emargination
32 Maxilla-quadratojugal contact
33 Palatal shelf of the maxilla
34 Tentacular foramen in maxilla
35 Quadratojugal
36 Occipital flange of squamosal
37 Lateral palatal tooth row
38 Posteromedial vomerine tooth row
39 Palatal recess
40 Vomerine fangs
41 Vomerine shagreen of denticles
42 Palatine
43 Lateral exposure of the palatine
44 Palatine fangs
45 Palatjne shagreen of denticles
46 Ectopterygoid
47 Ectopterygoid fangs
48 Ectopterygoid shagreen of denticles
49 Transverse flange of pterygoid
50 Posterior row of large teeth on transverse flange of pterygoid
51 Pterygoid shagreen of denticles
52 Pterygoid-maxilla anterior contact
53 Parasphenoid-vomer contact
54 Interpterygoid vacuity
55 Palatine position
56 Maxilla position
57 Parasphenoid morphology
58 Parasphenoid denticles
59 Posterior edge of parasphenoid
60 Ventral cranial fissure
61 Post-temporal fenestra
62 Paroccipital process
63 Otic tube
64 Exoccipital-dermatocranium contact
65 Braincase endochondral roof
66 Occipital condyle
67 Basioccipital and exoccipital
68 Basioccipital position
69 Parasphenoid and endochondral braincase elements
70 Preopercular
71 Subopercular
72 Epipterygoid ossification
73 Epipterygoid and pterygoid
74 Basicranial articulation
75 Distal end of stapes
76 Dorsal process of stapes
77 Proximal footplate of stapes
78 Stapedial foramen
79 Mandibular fenestrae
80 Anterior coronoid
81 Middle coronoid
82 Posterior coronoid
83 Anterior splenial
84 Postsplenial
85 Angular
86 Surangular
87 Parasymphysial fangs
88 Coronoid fangs
89 Coronoid denticles
90 Dentary
91 Retroarticular process
92 Medial mandibular tooth row
93 Tooth crowns
94 Marginal teeth
95 Maxillary teeth
96 Labyrinthine infolding
97 Caudal zygapophyses
98 Presacral centra (excluding atlas-axis complex)
99 Neural arch fusion
100 Neural arches and centra
101 Canal for supraneural ligament
102 Vertebral foramina in neural arch pedicle
103 Anterior dorsal neural arches
104 Atlanta1 arch
105 Odontoid process
106 Anterior articular surface of atlantal centrum
107 Anterior process of axial intercentrum-atlantal pleurocentrum complex
108 Atlanta1 pleurocentrum and axial intercentrum
109 Atlanta1 intercentrum
110 Atlantal pleurocentrum
111 Transverse process in mid-presacral vertebrae
112 Parapophysis
113 Capitulum articulation in mid-presacrals
114 Number of presacral vertebrae
115 Number of sacral vertebrae
116 Rib length
117 Discrete dorsal fin
118 Radials in caudal fin
119 Uncinate processes
120 Interclavicle
121 Clavicle
122 Clavicle shape
123 Cleithrum
124 Postbranchial lamina
125 Anodeithrum
126 Lateral extrascapular
127 Median extrascapular
128 Number of scapulocoracoid ossifications
129 Scapulocoracoid and cleithrum
130 Humerus
131 Supinator process
132 Anterior humeral ridge
133 Ectepicondyle
134 Pectoral tubercle
135 Entepicondyle
136 Ectepicondylar foramen
137 Entepicondylar foramen
138 Radius and ulna
139 Olecranon process
140 Ulna length
141 Number of digits in manus
142 Number of pelvic ossifications
143 Iliac blade
144 Internal trochanter
145 Intertrochanteric fossa
146 Femoral adductor blade
147 Tibia and fibula
148 Astragalus
149 Tibiale and fibulare
150 Number of pedal digits
151 Number of phalanges in second pedal digit
152 Number of phalanges in third pedal digit
153 Number of phalanges in forth pedal digit
154 Number of phalanges in fifth pedal digit
155 Lepidotrichia in caudal fin
156 Unknown: see Laurin and Reisz (1999)
157 Tabular-postfrontal contact
158 Parietal-postorbital contact
159 Humeral length
160 Posterior margin of skull
161 Number of premaxillary teeth