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Connotea Connotea

Matrix 3222 of Study 2073

About Citation title: "Phylogeny and evolution of glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida)".
About This study was previously identified under the legacy study ID S2073 (Status: Published).


Title: Morphology Coding 1

Description: Legacy TreeBASE Matrix ID = M3885


Taxon Label Row Segments Characters 1?–30
Hyalonema  (none) 011011110000010000010000000000
Pheronema  (none) 011011110000010000110000000000
Semperella  (none) 011011110000010000110000000000
Sericolophus  (none) 011011110000010000110000000000
Aphrocallistes  (none) 011011111000101112011111010000
Heterochone  (none) 011011111000101112011111001000
Tretodictyum  (none) 011011111000101111011111000000
Hexactinella  (none) 011011111000101111011111001000
Farrea  (none) 011011111000101123011101011000
Iphiteon  (none) 011011111000101130000001011000
Rhabdopectella  (none) 011011111001101000000000001000
Walteria  (none) 011011111000101000000000101010
Euplectella  (none) 011011110000101000000001101011
Acoelocalyx  (none) 011011110110101000000000001000
Malacosaccus  (none) 011011110110101000000001101000
Rossella  (none) 011011110000101000000001101100
Rossellinae n gen  (none) 011011110000101000000001001100
Acanthascus  (none) 011011111000101000000001001100
Aulosaccus  (none) 011011111000101000000001001100
Bathydorus  (none) 011011111000101000000001000000
Caulophacus  (none) 011011111001101000000001101000
Caulophacella  (none) 011011111001101000000001000000
Crateromorpha  (none) 011011111001101000000001001101
Lophocalyx  (none) 011011110000101000000001001100
Leucopsacus  (none) 011011111000101000000000001001
Oopsacas  (none) 011011111000101000000000001000
Clathrochone  (none) 011011111000101000000000001100
Demospongiae s str  (none) 01111100-000000-00000000000000
Homoscleromorpha  (none) 11111100-000000-00000000000000
Calcarea  (none) 01110000-000000-00000000000000
Eumetazoa  (none) 10000000-000000-00000000000000
Choanoflagellata  (none) 00000000-000000-00000000000000


Column Character Description
1 True epithelia with a basement membrane
2 Aquiferous system
3 Choanocytes
4 Pinacoderm
5 Demospongic acids
6 Siliceous spicules produced along protein filament
7 Tissue organization
8 Triaxonic symmetry of siliceous spicules
9 Mode of attachment to substrate
10 Long peduncle formed of anchorate basalia
11 Anchorate spicules supplemented by tauactins
12 Long tubular peduncle composed of fused diactins
13 Spicule fusion
14 Amphidiscs
15 Hexasters
16 Skeletal organization
17 Dictyonal framework pattern
18 Channelization of dictyonal framework
19 Sceptres
20 Uncinates
21 Uncinates perpendicularly arranged to dermal surface
22 Sceptrules
23 Scopules
24 Oxyhexasters
25 Onychohexasters
26 Tylohexasters
27 Discohexasters
28 Microdiscohexasters
29 Graphiocomes
30 Sigmatocomes or Drepanocomes
31 Floricomes
32 Calycocomes
33 Plumosely arranged dermal diactins-uncinates
34 Diactins as major dermal megascleres
35 Pentactins as major dermal megascleres
36 Hexactins as major dermal megascleres
37 Stauractins as major dermal megascleres
38 Pentactins as major hypodermal megascleres
39 Diactins as major choanosomal megascleres
40 Stauractins as major choanosomal megascleres
41 Pentactins as major choanosomal megascleres
42 Hexactins as major choanosomal megascleres
43 Pentactins as major hypoatrial megascleres
44 Diactins as major atrial megascleres
45 Pentactins as major atrial megascleres
46 Hexactins as major atrial megascleres