#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 20, 2024; 0:32 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Liu X., Ren D., & Yang D. 2014. New transitional fossil snakeflies from China illuminate the early evolution of Raphidioptera. BMC Evolutionary Biology, . TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S15494] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=11; TAXLABELS Baissoptera Chrysoraphidia Hondelagia Jurochauliodes Juroraphidia Mesoraphidia Metaraphidia Priscaenigma Sininocellia Sinoneurorthus Turcoraphidia ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M21524] TITLE Fossil_snakeflies_from_China; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=32; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 FW_Sc / appriximating_C fused_with_C fused_with_R, 2 FW_Rs_branching_point / posterior_to_middle_of_pt beyond_apex_of_pt, 3 'FW Rs+MA' / 'branched from R at basal 1/4' 'branched from R at basal 1/3' 'branched from R at basal 1/2', 4 FW_MA / apically_forked medially_forked simple, 5 FW_MA_base / between_R_and_MP between_Rs_and_MP absent, 6 FW_Rs / not_fused_with_M fused_with_M, 7 FW_RS / not_strongly_zigzaged strongly_zigzaged, 8 FW_MP / not_fused_with_CuA fused_with_CuA, 9 FW_MP / with_two_apically_forked_branches with_two_simple_branches, 10 FW_MP_branching_point_of_main_branches / 'at basal 1/4' 'at basal 1/3', 11 FW_MP_zigzagged / no yes, 12 FW_CuP_fused_with_CuA / yes no, 13 FW_1A / forked simple, 14 FW_2A / forked simple, 15 FW_costal_region_wider_than_sc_region / yes no, 16 FW_costal_region_ / with_crossveins_on_distal_half without_crossveins_on_distal_half, 17 'FW 1sc-r' / present absent, 18 'FW 2sc-r' / 'present, within pt' absent 'present, proximal to pt', 19 pt / absent present, 20 pt / 'shorter than 1/2 FWL' 'as long as 1/2 FWL', 21 'FW r-rs number' / 3 2 4_or_more, 22 FW_gradate_series / 2 1, 23 FW_Rs_crossveins / few many, 24 FW_m_cell / 3_or_more 2, 25 FW_doi_cell / 2_series 1_serie, 26 FW_1st_doi_serie / 2 3 4_or_more 1, 27 FW_2nd_doi_serie / 2 1 3_or_more, 28 'FW cua-cup' / present absent, 29 FW_anal_cell / not_ovoid ovoid, 30 HW_MA_base / branching_from_M branching_from_R, 32 3rd_tarsomere / not_bilobed bilobed, ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30 ] [ . . . ] Baissoptera 1111100101111001021020100220110? Chrysoraphidia 0002?000001001011010200001000?0? Hondelagia 20012110001011001110201001100?0? Jurochauliodes 20001000000000000100000100000000 Juroraphidia 00020000100010110111110103101?00 Mesoraphidia 11111001011110010210110100101111 Metaraphidia 1111100101111001021011010011101? Priscaenigma 20012?10001001001110201002200?0? Sininocellia 11211001011110010210010101101011 Sinoneurorthus 00000000000000000000000000000010 Turcoraphidia 11201001011110010210110111-01011 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Fossil_snakeflies_from_China; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; TRANSLATE 1 Sinoneurorthus, 2 Jurochauliodes, 3 Priscaenigma, 4 Hondelagia, 5 Chrysoraphidia, 6 Juroraphidia, 7 Baissoptera, 8 Mesoraphidia, 9 Metaraphidia, 10 Turcoraphidia, 11 Sininocellia; TREE MPT = [&R] (1,(2,((5,(3,4)),(6,(7,((10,11),(8,9))))))); END;