#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 25, 2024; 4:11 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Goldblatt P. 1990. Phylogeny and classification of the Iridaceae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 77: 607-627. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S325] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=9; TAXLABELS Irideae Isophysidoideae Ixieae Mariceae Nivenioideae Pillansieae Sisyrinchieae Tigridieae Watsonieae ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M2621] TITLE Table_1; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=50; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Rhipidia / few_to_several single_flowered, 2 Inflorescence / unspecialized one_or_more_rhipidia_in_large_s, 3 Leaf / bifacial ensiform_and_equitant, 4 Rhipidia / single binate, 5 Flowers / lasting_³_two_days fugacious, 6 Flower_color / yellow_to_orange blue, 7 Stamen_number / six_in_two_whorls three_with_no_outer_whorl, 8 Stem / branched unbranched, 9 Ovary / superior inferior, 10 Style / lobed_or_divided_above_anthers 'deeply 3-forked to below the ba', 11 Nectaries / present lacking, 12 Vessel_perforations / scalariform simple, 13 Mangiferin / absent often_present, 14 Biflavones / present absent, 15 'Meta-carboxyphenylalanine carbo' / absent present, 16 Styloids / absent present, 17 Microsporogenesis / successive simultaneous, 18 Endosperm_formation / helobial nuclear, 19 Rootstock / creeping_rhizome bulb, 20 Leaves / flat plicate, 21 Tepals / not_clawed clearly_divided_into_limb_and, 22 Filaments / supporting_free_anthers weak_with_anthers_on_style, 23 Style_arms / parallel_to_and_appressed_to_st extended_between_stamens, 24 Style_branch_apices / symmetrical_and_uniformly_stigm produced_into_erect_paired_appe, 25 Style_branches / slender_and_symmetric thickened_and_compressed, 26 Style_branches / slender_and_symmetric flattened_and_petaloid, 27 Nectaries / septal perigonal, 28 Nectaries_located / on_inner_and_outer_tepals on_base_of_outer_tepals, 29 Nectaries / located_on_inner_and_outer_tepa most_strongly_developed_on_inne, 30 Nectaries_secreting / only_sugars oil_from_special_elaiophores, 31 Primary_thickening_meristem / extensive reduced_and_scant, 32 Leaf_vein / none_present distinct_midrib_present, 33 Leaf_margin_subepidermal_sclere / not_developed present, 34 Flavonols / abundant absent, 35 'Gamma-glutamyl peptides' / absent produced, 36 Karyotype / 'x=10' 'x=7', 37 Rootstock / persistent_creeping_rhizome a_corm_of_several_internodes, 38 Corm / axillary_and_lateral_to_stem apical_and_basal_to_stem, 39 Leaf_sheaths / open closed, 40 Flower / pedicellate sessile, 41 Inflorescence / Not_a_spike a_spike, 42 Tepals / free united_in_a_tube, 43 Pollen_grain_exine / reticulate micropunctate, 44 Style_branches / undivided_or_apically_forked deeply_forked, 45 Mesophyll_cells / isodiametric elongated_horizontally, 46 Epidermal_cells / straight_walls sinuous_walls, 47 Epidermal_cells / one_or_no_papillae two_to_a_few_papillae, 48 Flavonoids / flavonols_present flavones_present, 49 'Flavone C-glycosides' / present absent, 50 Flavonol_sulfate / absent present, ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30 40 50] [ . . . . .] Irideae 11001010110111111100100101110010101000000000000000 Isophysidoideae 11100011001000010000000000000000000000000000000000 Ixieae 11000010100111011100000000000001000011111110111100 Mariceae 11001010110111111100110110101111011000000000000000 Nivenioideae 11011110100000010000000000000000000000000000000000 Pillansieae 11000010100111011100000000000000000010110110000011 Sisyrinchieae 11001010110111111100001000000000010000000000000000 Tigridieae 11001010110111111111110110101110001100000000000000 Watsonieae 11000010100111011100000000000001000010111111111010 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb5097; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; TRANSLATE 1 Ixieae, 2 Watsonieae, 3 Pillansieae, 4 Tigridieae, 5 Mariceae, 6 Irideae, 7 Sisyrinchieae, 8 Nivenioideae, 9 Isophysidoideae; TREE 'Figs. 3-5' = [&R] (9,(8,((7,(6,(5,4)))Iridoideae,(3,(2,1))Ixioideae)))Iridaceae; END;