#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 19, 2024; 20:50 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Curry K., Mcdowell L., Judd W., & Stern W. 1991. Osmophores, floral features, and systematics of Stanhopea (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany, 78: 610-623. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S350] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=18; TAXLABELS Sievekingia_marsupialis Sievekingia_suavis Stanhopea_anfracta Stanhopea_annulata Stanhopea_candida Stanhopea_ecornuta Stanhopea_gibbosa Stanhopea_martiana Stanhopea_oculata Stanhopea_pulla Stanhopea_radiosa Stanhopea_ruckeri Stanhopea_saccata Stanhopea_shuttleworthii Stanhopea_tigrina Stanhopea_tricornis Stanhopea_vasquezii Stanhopea_wardii ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M1810] TITLE Table_1; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=13; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Osmophore_surface / smooth rugose, 2 Osmophore_surface / lacking_unicellular_trichomes with_unicellular_trichomes, 3 Epidermal_cells / homogeneous bilayered, 4 Cytoplasmic_lipid_inclusions / one_pattern two_patterns, 5 Cytoplasmic_lipid_inclusions / spherical irregular, 6 Plastoglobuli / present absent, 7 Inflorescences / four_or_more_flowers one_to_three_flowers, 8 Petals / erect reflexed, 9 Distinct_hypochile / lacking present, 10 Hypochile / globose present, 11 Labellum / ecornuate bicornuate, 12 Articulated_epichile / absent present, 13 Apex_of_labellum / uniapiculate triapiculate, ; MATRIX Sievekingia_marsupialis 001000000?000 Sievekingia_suavis 000000000?000 Stanhopea_anfracta 1000000111110 Stanhopea_annulata 1000101110000 Stanhopea_candida 1000111110000 Stanhopea_ecornuta 0000101110000 Stanhopea_gibbosa 1000110111110 Stanhopea_martiana 1110001110111 Stanhopea_oculata 1000000111110 Stanhopea_pulla 0000111110000 Stanhopea_radiosa 1111001110111 Stanhopea_ruckeri 1000000111110 Stanhopea_saccata 1111001110111 Stanhopea_shuttleworthii 1000000111110 Stanhopea_tigrina 1000001111111 Stanhopea_tricornis 1010011010110 Stanhopea_vasquezii 0010000111110 Stanhopea_wardii 1000000111110 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb5135; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; TRANSLATE 1 Stanhopea_ecornuta, 2 Stanhopea_pulla, 3 Stanhopea_candida, 4 Stanhopea_tricornis, 5 Stanhopea_martiana, 6 Stanhopea_tigrina, 7 Stanhopea_radiosa, 8 Stanhopea_saccata, 9 Stanhopea_gibbosa, 10 Stanhopea_vasquezii, 11 Stanhopea_anfracta, 12 Stanhopea_oculata, 13 Stanhopea_ruckeri, 14 Stanhopea_shuttleworthii, 15 Stanhopea_wardii, 16 Sievekingia_marsupialis, 17 Sievekingia_suavis, 18 Stanhopea_annulata; TREE Fig._18 = [&R] ((17,16)Sievekingia,(1,2,18,3,(9,10,(15,14,13,12,11)12_group,6,(4,(5,(8,7)Stanhopea_insignis_group))))Stanhopea); TREE Fig._17 = [&R] ((17,16),(2,1,(18,3,((((8,7),5),4),(6,((15,14,13,12,11),10,9)))))); END;