#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 20, 2024; 2:49 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Olmstead R. 1989. Phylogeny, phenotypic evolution, and biogeography of the Scutellaria angustifolia Complex (Lamiaceae): Inference from morphological and molecular data. Systematic Botany, 14: 320-338. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S351] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=16; TAXLABELS Scutellaria_angustifolia_angust Scutellaria_angustifolia_micran Scutellaria_antirrhinoides Scutellaria_bolanderi Scutellaria_brittonii Scutellaria_californica Scutellaria_galericulata Scutellaria_lateriflora Scutellaria_nana Scutellaria_nervosa Scutellaria_ovata Scutellaria_parvula Scutellaria_resinosa Scutellaria_sapphirina Scutellaria_siphocampyloides Scutellaria_tuberosa ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M1776] TITLE Table_2; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=28; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3 4" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Perennating_structure / elongate_rhizomes tubers, 2 Persistent_root_crowns / absent sometimes_present, 3 Internode_elongation / normal dwarf, 4 Pubescence_type / 'type 1 (0.1-0.2 mm)' 'type II (0.5-1.0 mm)', 5 Direction_of_appressed_stem_hai / ascendant descendent, 6 'Gland-tipped trichomes' / 'present (or polymorphic)' absent, 7 'Leaf shape (ordered)' / cordate ovate rhomboid_or_obovate, 8 'Leaf margin (ordered)' / crenate basal_leaves_crenate_upper_leav all_leaves_entire, 9 'Blade length/width' / '<3.5' '>3.5', 10 Leaf_veins / not_prominent_on_adaxial_surfac prominent_on_adaxial_surface, 11 First_flowering_node_above_base / '<6' '6-10' '>10', 12 Upper_lobe_of_calyx / concave convex, 13 Crest_of_calyx / smooth_or_entire scalloped_or_crenate, 14 'Length of corolla (unordered)' / '12-22 mm' '>22 mm' '<10 mm', 15 Corolla_color / 'blue-violet' 'white to pale creamy-yellow', 16 Mottling_on_lower_lip_of_coroll / always_present polymorphic absent, 17 Conformation_of_lower_lip_of_co / spreading reflexed, 18 'Corolla palate hairs (ordered)' / dense 'sparse (or polymorphic)' glabrous, 19 'Gland-tipped trichomes on corol' / 'present (or polymorphic)' absent, 20 Color_of_gynoecial_disk / 'green-yellow' 'orange- red', 21 Nutlet_color / black brown, 22 'Nutlet shape (unordered)' / ovoid_flattened subglobose turbinate ovoid_not_flattened, 23 Circumferential_band_on_nutlet / band_composed_of_fused_papillae band_of__missing_papillae no_band, 24 'Shape of papillae on nutlets (u' / small cylindrical_to_conical large_conical large_irregularly_shaped small_rounded, 25 Shape_of_nutlet_epidermal_cells / elongate hemispheric_or_polygonal, 26 Nutlet_epidermal_cell_apical_pr / 'elongate bulbous-tipped' short no_protuberance, 27 'Flowering phenology (ordered)' / 'April-May' 'June-July' 'July-August', 28 'Chromosome number 2n (unordered' / 24 22 20 32 88, ; MATRIX [ 10 20 ] [ . . ] Scutellaria_angustifolia_angust 0000001210100001010000000110 Scutellaria_angustifolia_micran 0000011200000100011000000110 Scutellaria_antirrhinoides 0000001100100100001000000110 Scutellaria_bolanderi 0001-00000201110000011000120 Scutellaria_brittonii 0000101211100001020000010111 Scutellaria_californica 0100001100100112000000100110 Scutellaria_galericulata 0000100000210101021013230223 Scutellaria_lateriflora 0000010000-10-0-021013230224 Scutellaria_nana 0010102200000111011100000010 Scutellaria_nervosa 000001110000020001011000011- Scutellaria_ovata 000-11000-20000012001323---- Scutellaria_parvula 0000001200000200011110000112 Scutellaria_resinosa --001012000001000100032-110- Scutellaria_sapphirina 0000112200000100021000000010 Scutellaria_siphocampyloides 0000001110100001100000100110 Scutellaria_tuberosa 1001-11000010100001002221100 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb5136; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; TRANSLATE 1 Scutellaria_angustifolia_angust, 2 Scutellaria_angustifolia_micran, 3 Scutellaria_antirrhinoides, 4 Scutellaria_bolanderi, 5 Scutellaria_brittonii, 6 Scutellaria_californica, 7 Scutellaria_nana, 8 Scutellaria_sapphirina, 9 Scutellaria_siphocampyloides, 10 Scutellaria_tuberosa, 11 Scutellaria_galericulata, 12 Scutellaria_lateriflora, 13 Scutellaria_nervosa, 14 Scutellaria_parvula, 15 Scutellaria_ovata, 16 Scutellaria_resinosa; TREE Fig._4A = [&R] (4,(10,((5,(8,7)),((2,1),(3,(9,6))))))Scutellaria; TREE Fig._1C = [&R] (11,(4,(10,((((8,7),2),(1,5)),3,9,6))))Scutellaria; TREE Fig._1A = [&R] (15,((12,11),(4,(((10,((14,13),2,(8,7))),3),(1,5),9,6))))Scutellaria; TREE Fig._1B = [&R] (4,(10,((7,8),2),3,((1,5),9),6))Scutellaria; TREE Fig._1D = [&R] (4,(10,((((8,7),2),(1,5)),3,(9,6))))Scutellaria; TREE Fig._4B = [&R] (4,(10,(((6,9),3),((1,2),((7,8),5)))))Scutellaria; END;