#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 24, 2024; 18:55 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Jamieson B. 1988. On the phylogeny and higher classification of the Oligochaeta. Cladistics, 4: 367-410. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S363] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=50; TAXLABELS Ailoscolex_lacteospumosus Alluroides_pordagei Alma_nilotica Biwadrilus_bathybates Brinkhurstia_americanus Callidrilus_scrobifer Celeriella_bursata Criodrilus_lacuum Cryptodrilus_resticus Desmogaster_doriae Dichogaster_bolaui Dichogaster_oraedividitis Digaster_bradburyi Diplotrema_fragilis Diporochaeta_intermedia Diporodrilus_pilosus Drilocrius_hummelincki Eiseniella_teraedra Enchytraeidae Eudrilus_eugeniae Eukerria_garmani_argentinae Glossoscolex_paulistus Glyphidrilocrius_ehrhardti Glyphidrilus_weberi Haplotaxis_violaceus Hemigastrodrilus_monicae Heteroporodrilus_tryoni Hormogaster_redii Komarekiona_eatoni Kynotus_darwini Lampito_sylvicola Lumbriculidae Lumbricus_terrestris Lutodrilus_multivesiculatus Megascolides_australis Microchaetus_benhami Microscolex_georgianus Moniligaster_troyi Nemertodrilus_griseus Ocnerodrilus_occidentalis Octochaetus_multiporus Perionyx_excavatus Pheretima_montana Pontoscolex_corethrurus Sparganophilus_tamesis Standeria_tranvaalensis Syngenodrilus_lamuensis Tiguassu_reginae Tubificidae Vignysa_popi ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M2023] TITLE Table_2; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=68; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Prostomium / 'attached (P)' 'separate (A)', 2 Lateral_lines / 'present (P)' 'absent (A)', 3 Dorsal_pores / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 4 Caudal_TS / 'not quadrangular (P)' 'quadrangular (A)', 5 Anus / 'terminal (P)' 'dorsal (A)', 6 Copulatory_alae / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 7 Claspers_with_terminal_male_por / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 8 Genital_lobes_or_claspers / 'without lateral male pores (P)' 'with lateral male pores (A)', 9 Longitudinal_tubercula_pubertat / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 10 Somatic_setae / '4 bundles (P)' 'perichaetine (A)', 11 Penial_setae / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 12 'Long-grooved genital setae' / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 13 'Prostate-like setal glands' / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 14 Clitellum / 'unilayered (P)' 'multilayered (A)', 15 Dorsal_vessel / 'extending onto pharynx (P)' 'or not (A)', 16 Subneural_vessel / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 17 Intestine_with_anterior_thicken / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 18 Intestinal_caeca / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 19 Intestinal_typhlosole / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 20 Enterosegmental_organs / 'absent (P)' 'paired (A)', 21 Nephridia / 'holonephric (P)' 'meronephric (A)', 22 Nephridial_bladder / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 23 Nephridial_caeca / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 24 Caudal_nephridia / 'exonephric (P)' 'enteronephric (A)', 25 Testes / in_segment_10_or_homeotic_equiv 'not in 10 (A)', 26 Testes / in_segment_11_or_homeotic_equiv 'not in 11 (A)', 27 Male_pores / '2 per side (P)' '1 by fusion (A)', 28 Muscular_male_bursa / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 29 Glandular_male_bursa / 'absent (P)' 'present (A)', 30 Ovaries / 'in segment 12 (P)' 'not in 12 (A)', 31 Ovaries / 'in segment 13 (P)' 'not in 13 (A)', 32 Ovaries / 'multistringed (P)' 'single-stringed (A)', 33 Ovaries / 'free (P)' 'in septal chambers (A)', 34 Spermathecae / 'present (P)' 'absent (A)', 35 Spermathecae / 'not multiple (P)' 'multiple (A)', 36 Spermathecae / 'without oviducal link (P)' 'oviducal link present (A)', 37 'Supra-oesophageal vessel' / 'absent (P)' 'on oesophagus only (Al)' 'oesophago-pharyngeal (A2)', 38 Commissural_blood_vessels / 'throughout (P)' 'discrete hearts in 10 (Al)' '11 (A2)' '12 (A3)' '13 (A4)', 39 Segments_of_oesophageal_gizzard / '0 (P)' '1 (Al)' '2 (A2)' '3 (A3)' '4 (A4)' '12 (A5)', 40 1st_oesophageal_gizzard_in_segm / 'absent (P)' '5 (Al)' '6 (A2)' '7 (A3)' '8 (A4)' '13 (A5)' '14 (A6)', 41 1st_intestinal_segment / '9 (P)' '10 (Al)' '11 (A2)' '12 (A3)' '13 (A4)' '14 (A5)' '15 (A6)' '16 (A7)' '17 (A8)' '21 (A9)' '23 (A10)', 42 'Last male pore(s)' / 'posterior to last testis-segmen' '2 (Al)' '3 (A2)' '4 (A3)' '5 (A4)' '6 (A5)' '7 (A6)' '8 (A7) 9 (A8)' '11 (A9)' '12 (A10)' '13 (All) segments', 43 Setal_interval / 'cd=ab (P)' 'cd>ab (A)', 44 Setal_interval / 'cd=ab (P)' 'cd