#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 19, 2024; 6:01 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Thewissen J., & Madar S. 1999. Ankle morphology of the earliest Cetaceans and its implications for the phylogenetic relations among Ungulates. Systematic Biology, 48(1): 21-30. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S948] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NTAX=28; TAXLABELS Anthracobune Arctocyon Asmithwoodwardia Camelus Canis Capra Cetacea Dasypus Dendrohyrax Diacodexis Didelphis Dissacus Hippopotamus Hyopsodus Hyracotherium Macaca Marmota Meniscotherium Mustela Oryctolagus Pachyaena Paleoparadoxia Pleuraspidotherium Rattus Sus Talpa Tetraclaenodon Tupaia ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; [! TreeBASE Matrix URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/matrix/TB2:M458] TITLE Appendix_1; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=9; FORMAT DATATYPE=Standard SYMBOLS= "0 1 2 3" MISSING=? GAP= -; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Head_of_the_astragalus / mediolaterally_strongly_convex 'flat-concave', 2 Head_of_the_astragalus / 'describes a small-angled arc dorsoplantarly' extends_through_a_wide_arc, 3 Plane_in_which_the_astragalonavicular_joint_rotates / extends_dorsoplantar_with_respect_to_the_plane_of_the_trochlea or_extends_at_an_oblique_axis_to_the_head there_is_no_rotational_plane_because_the_facet_is_nearly_flat, 4 Head_of_astragalus_and_cuboid / do_not_articulate articulate, 5 Joint_between_calcaneum_and_cuboid_is / oval_and_facmg_distally elongate_and_oblique_to_the_dorsoplantar_direction_of_the_calca, 6 Sustentacular_facet_of_astragalus / oval_and_positioned_on_the_medial_half_of_the_astragalus elongate_and_positioned_on_the_medial_third_of_the_astragalus rectangular_and_covering_nearly_all_of_the_astragalar_width, 7 Distal_calcaneal_facet_of_astragalus_is / indistinct_from_sustentacular_facet clearly_distinct, 8 Ectal_facet_is / concave_and_faces_plantarly faces_laterally_and_is_flat, 9 Articulation_between_calcaneurn_and_fibula / absent present, ; MATRIX Anthracobune 00?00000? Arctocyon 00?100001 Asmithwoodwardia 012000101 Camelus 111112111 Canis 001000100 Capra 111112111 Cetacea 103?11?1? Dasypus 002000001 Dendrohyrax 103000000 Diacodexis 111112111 Didelphis 001000000 Dissacus 11210010? Hippopotamus 111112111 Hyopsodus 00?000101 Hyracotherium 102110100 Macaca 00?100100 Marmota 102000001 Meniscotherium 00?000101 Mustela 00?000000 Oryctolagus 111001101 Pachyaena 112100000 Paleoparadoxia 10?101001 Pleuraspidotherium 00?000000 Rattus 001000000 Sus 111112111 Talpa 001100101 Tetraclaenodon 00?100000 Tupaia 00?000000 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb6375; LINK TAXA = Taxa1; TRANSLATE 1 Didelphis, 2 Dasypus, 3 Oryctolagus, 4 Tupaia, 5 Talpa, 6 Marmota, 7 Rattus, 8 Macaca, 9 Mustela, 10 Canis, 11 Cetacea, 12 Asmithwoodwardia, 13 Dendrohyrax, 14 Paleoparadoxia, 15 Anthracobune, 16 Pachyaena, 17 Dissacus, 18 Camelus, 19 Hippopotamus, 20 Capra, 21 Sus, 22 Diacodexis, 23 Hyracotherium, 24 Meniscotherium, 25 Tetraclaenodon, 26 Arctocyon, 27 Pleuraspidotherium, 28 Hyopsodus; TREE Fig._2d = [&R] ((((22,19,21,20,18),11),(17,16),23),(26,(28,(25,((27,24),((15,14),13)))))); END;