#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on May 16, 2024; 7:42 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Porter T.M., Martin W., James T.Y., Longcore J.E., Gleason F.H., Adler P.H., Letcher P.M., & Vilgalys R. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of the Blastocladiomycota (Fungi) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA. Fungal Biology, . TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S11216] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=8; TAXLABELS Paraphysoderma_sedebokerensis_nom_prov Physoderma_dulichii Physoderma_lycopi Physoderma_maculare_BL135 Physoderma_maydis_DUH0007932 Urophlyctis_pulposa_ex_Atriplex Urophlyctis_pulposa_ex_Chenopodium Urophlyctis_trifolii ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Urophlyctis_and_Physoderma; LINK TAXA = taxa; TREE Fig._3 = [&R] (((Physoderma_maculare_BL135,(Physoderma_maydis_DUH0007932,(Physoderma_dulichii,Physoderma_lycopi))),(Urophlyctis_trifolii,(Urophlyctis_pulposa_ex_Atriplex,Urophlyctis_pulposa_ex_Chenopodium))),Paraphysoderma_sedebokerensis_nom_prov); [! TreeBASE tree URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr27569] END;