#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on May 20, 2024; 13:07 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Ranwez V., Berry V., Criscuolo A., Fabre P., Guillemot S., Scornavacca C., & Douzery E. 2007. PhySIC: a veto supertree method with desirable properties. Systematic Biology, 56(5): 798-817. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S1902] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE PhySIC_Supertree_70; DIMENSIONS NTAX=74; TAXLABELS Allenopithecus Allocebus Alouatta Aotus Arctocebus Ateles Avahi Brachyteles Bunopithecus Cacajao Callicebus Callimico Callithrix Cebus Cercocebus Cercopithecus Cheirogaleus Chiropotes Chlorocebus Colobus Cynocephalus Daubentonia Erythrocebus Eulemur Euoticus Galago Galagoides Gorilla Hapalemur Homo Hylobates Indri Lagothrix Lemur Leontopithecus Lepilemur Lophocebus Loris Macaca Mandrillus Megaladapis Microcebus Miopithecus Mirza Mus Nasalis Nomascus Nycticebus Ochotona Otolemur Palaeopropithecus Pan Papio Perodicticus Phaner Piliocolobus Pithecia Pongo Presbytis Prolemur Propithecus Pygathrix Rattus Rhinopithecus Saguinus Saimiri Semnopithecus Simias Symphalangus Tarsius Theropithecus Trachypithecus Tupaia Varecia ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE Tb8658; LINK TAXA = PhySIC_Supertree_70; TREE g6pd = [&R] ((((Alouatta,(Ateles,(Lagothrix,Brachyteles))),(Callicebus,(Pithecia,(Chiropotes,Cacajao)))),((Aotus,(Saimiri,Cebus)),(Saguinus,(Leontopithecus,(Callithrix,Callimico))))),(Macaca,(Homo,Pan))); [! TreeBASE tree URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr4940] END;