#NEXUS [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this acknowledgment from the Nexus file. Generated on April 25, 2024; 14:54 GMT TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008 Study reference: Corl A., & Ellegren H. 2013. Sampling strategies for species trees: The effects on phylogenetic inference of the number of genes, number of individuals, and whether loci are mitochondrial, sex-linked, or autosomal. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 67: 358-366. TreeBASE Study URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S13356] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Untitled_Block_of_Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=6; TAXLABELS Calidris_fuscicollis_11449_1 Calidris_mauri_905_1 Calidris_melanotos_11496_1 Calidris_minutilla_11534_1 Phalaropus_lobatus_11480_1 Philomachus_pugnax_120_1 ; END; BEGIN TREES; TITLE 'Species tree of the six shorebird species based on 12 autosomal, 12 Z-linked, and 1 mtDNA gene.'; LINK TAXA = Untitled_Block_of_Taxa; TREE Fig._1 = [&R] ((((Calidris_minutilla_11534_1:8.163316566173679,Calidris_fuscicollis_11449_1:8.163316566173679):2.1159432439193484,(Calidris_melanotos_11496_1:7.635261077330816,Calidris_mauri_905_1:7.635261077330816):2.6439987327622063):9.855191388285663,Philomachus_pugnax_120_1:20.134451198378695):11.235717177273997,Phalaropus_lobatus_11480_1:31.370168375652696); [! TreeBASE tree URI: http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr57190] END;