
Linked Open Description of Geographic Divisions changes over time

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Welcome to the TSN-Project documentation

TSNs (Territorial Statistical Nomenclatures) are geographic divisions built by Statistical Institutes, usually deriving from electoral or administrative structure. TSNs geographic divisions change over time.

The TSN and TSN-Change Ontologies (Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology) enable the description of any geographic divisions for statistics into the Web of Linked Data and, above all, rich descriptions of territorial changes from one geographic divisions version to another.

Through times, all over the world, the areas (portions of space on earth) delimited by or, under the control of human groups (e.g., administrative or electoral areas) are subject to change : their names, belonging or boundaries change for some political or administrative reasons. Likewise, the Territorial Statistical Nomenclatures (TSNs) that are sets of artifact areas built by Statistical Institutes, and usually deriving from electoral or administrative structures, also change over time and at several division levels (e.g., regions, districts, sub-districts). These changes in TSNs are an obstacle to maintain socio-economic data comparability over time. Since most of the time, they lead to broken time-series and are source of misinterpretations of statistics when not properly documented.

This phenomenon is very frequent in Europe (for instance in France, in 2016, administrative regions have been merged into greater regions) or in the U.S.A. (through a well-known process called gerrymandering).

We propose the following representation of TSN changes on the Linked Open Data Web:

TSN Linked Open Data Graph example

TSN Papers

  • Modeling changes in territorial partitions over time: Ontologies TSN and TSN-Change Bernard C., Villanova-Oliver M., Gensel J., Dao H.
    The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing ACM SIGAPP 2018, April 9–13, 2018, Pau, France.

  • An Ontology-based Algorithm for Managing the Evolution of Multi-Level Territorial Partitions Bernard C., Plumejeaud-Perreau C., Villanova-Oliver M., Gensel J., Dao H.
    The 26th ACM/SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018, November 6-9, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA.
    BEST POSTER AWARD https://sigspatial2018.sigspatial.org/awards/ Poster: Link to the poster on Reasearchgate


TSN Ontology http://purl.org/net/tsn#

TSN-Change Ontology http://purl.org/net/tsnchange#

TSN Datasets

Eurostat Nomenclature NUTS versions 1999, 2003, 2006, 2010 http://purl.org/steamer/nuts/

Australian Nomenclature ASGS versions 2011, 2016 http://purl.org/steamer/asgs/

Swiss Nomenclature SAU versions 2017, 2018 http://purl.org/steamer/sau/

TSN-Change Datasets

TSN Web Mapping UI

Work in progress…


TSN Web Mapping UI



Usage: e.g., http://steamerlod.imag.fr/sparql?&query=DESCRIBE<http://purl.org/steamer/nuts/V1999>

TSN SPARQL requests example

SPARQL queries example

GeoChange App (Développée par Romain Pinel-Germain & Abdessami Ghodbane)

Développée par Romain Pinel-Germain & Abdessami Ghodbane dans le cadre de leur projet tutoré 2019-20 Master 1 WIC de l’UGA, un grand merci à eux deux ! L’application sera bientôt disponible en ligne.

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