
#439 reconsider membership or use of model.glossLike


In implementing bug 2812295 ( ) in spring 2010, we made <graphic> a non-empty element that can contain model.glossLike*. But this had what I suspect was an unintended consequence: permitting two members of the tagdocs module -- <altIdent> and <equiv> -- as children of <graphic> (and other members of model.glossLike).

Sebastian said he thinks we put them in model.glossLike when that model class was used mainly by ODD elements and then forgot about them when glossLike was more widely adopted.

We should revisit either the way this was implemented or take a look at the membership of model.glossLike.

Sebastian suggested moving <altIdent> and <equiv> to a new model class (perhaps called "model.equivLike"), which would be used in classSpec, constraintSpec, elementSpec, macroSpec, and valItem.


  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-09-16
    • assigned_to: nobody --> louburnard
    • milestone: --> GREEN
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-09-16

    I agree with Sebastian's suggestion. We just need to split the model.glossLike class into things that are appropriate anywhere, and things which are only appropriate in special places e.g. inside *Specs.

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2012-09-22

    Council decision (Oxford, 2012-09) was to implement this ticket.

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-10-07

    The current members of model.glossLike are: model.certLike [certainty respons] desc gloss precision equiv altIdent

    Of these only equiv and altIdent are really "gloss like". Equally, model.certLike and precision seem rather inappropriate inside *Spec elements.

    The elements currently containing model.glossLike are : attDef
    category certainty char classSpec constraintSpec elementSpec gap glyph
    graphic incident interp interpGrp join joinGrp kinesic macroSpec
    moduleSpec precision respons schemaSpec space substJoin taxonomy
    valItem and vocal.

    The only thing that all these elements actually have in common is that they all need a <desc>. Apart from that:

    The following need gloss, equiv, altIdent:
    attDef, category, classSpec, constraintSpec, elementSpec,
    macroSpec moduleSpec schemaSpec taxonomy, valItem

    The following need precision and model.certLike
    certainty gap precision respons space substJoin
    Proposed action:

    (1) define (new) model.descLike, with <desc> as its sole member
    (2) redefine model.glossLike with <gloss>, <equiv>, and <altIdent> as its members
    (3) Add <precision> to model.certLike

    Change the content model of the following elements to use the indicated model class

    attDef (1) (2)
    category (1) (2)
    certainty (1) (3)
    char (1)
    classSpec (1) (2)
    constraintSpec (1) (2)
    elementSpec (1) (2)
    gap (1) (3)
    glyph (1)
    graphic (1)
    incident (1) (3)
    interp (1) (3)
    interpGrp (1) (3)
    join (1) (3)
    joinGrp (1) (3)
    kinesic (1)
    macroSpec (1) (2)
    moduleSpec (1) (2)
    precision (1) (3)
    respons (1) (3)
    schemaSpec (1) (2)
    space (1) (3)
    substJoin (1) (3)
    taxonomy (1) (2)
    valItem (1) (2)
    vocal (1)

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-10-08
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2012-10-08

    I have now implemented (more or less) what is proposed below, and the sky has not fallen so I am closing the ticket. Specifically, I made the three class-related changes below, and changed content models to use the new classes more appropriately.
    - attDef, category, classSpec, constraintSpec, elementSpec,macroSpec moduleSpec schemaSpec taxonomy, valItem
    now allow (model.glossLike|model.descLike)* at their beginning
    - char, glyph,incident, interpGrp, joinGrp, kinesic, space, vocal now have just model.descLike
    - certainty, gap, interp, join, precision, respons, substJoin now have (model.descLike|model.certLike)*

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2012-11-22

    The resolution of this ticket has created a new bug in the TEI schema, namely that the inclusion of certLike in <space> was deliberate and should not have been removed. (This has been temporarily patched in the EpiDoc schema, but that's a plaster not a cure.) I suggest that certLike needs to be added manually to <space> (and possibly other elements listed at\) and a maintenance release (2.2.1) put out as soon as possible.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2012-11-22
    • status: closed-accepted --> open-accepted
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2012-11-22
    • assigned_to: louburnard --> gabrielbodard
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2013-01-09
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2013-01-09

    Closing this, as certLike has been restored to content model of <space>