The P14.1 in the role of property of the property specifies the nature of an Actor’s participation Domain: PC14 Carried Out By Range: E55 Type P14.1 in the role of P01 has domain P02 has range This class comprises all things in the universe of discourse of the N-ary relationships. Superclass: - Subclasses: - PC14 Carried out by Related properties: - P01 has domain - P02 has range - P14.1 in the role of. Example values: - PC0 CRM Property This class allows to link the three necessary classes for the formation of the n-ary relationship, which informs the role of a person in an event. - Original Affirmation (ternary) – The creation activity of the Apocalypse of Lorvão has Egeas as the material author. - Transformed into binary assertions using a class and two conventional properties – PCxx (in this case PC14 Carried Out By), P01 has domain and P02 has range. - In the example Egeas as material author. - Class PC14 individual carried out by - Linked to the creation of the Apocalypse of Lorvão (subject of original statement) by P01 has domain - Linked to Egeas (object of original statement) by P02 has range - Linked to Material Author (role played in the activity) by P14.1 in the role of Superclass: - PC0 CRM Property Subclasses: - Related properties: P01 has domain; P02 has range, P14.1 in the role of. Example values: - A atividade criação do Apocalipse do Lorvão tem Egeas como autor material. PC14 Carried Out By