
Novel analogues of human INSL3 as antagonists and probes of testicular function [ 2011 - 2014 ]

Also known as: Effect of modified INSL3 analogues on testes function

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof John Wade (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Ravinder Anand-Ivell Prof Richard Ivell

Brief description The hormone, insulin-like peptide 3, has recently been shown to act directly on male and female germ cells to cause their maturation. It has considerable promise as a therapeutic agent for the regulation of fertility. Drugs based on the peptide may be used to assist in cases of infertility, and drugs that block its action have great potential as male and female contraceptives. Towards these goals, our project aims to understand how this peptide exerts its unique biological effects.

Funding Amount $AUD 593,888.23

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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