
Targeting skeletal mTORC1 as a novel approach for the treatment of diet-induced insulin resistance [ 2016 - 2018 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Andrew Zannettino (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Paul Baldock Prof Christopher Proud

Brief description Diet-induced insulin resistance is a pathology that underlies type 2 diabetes. Elucidating the pathways and tissues that contribute to this condition is crucial for drug development. The skeleton has emerged as a critical insulin target tissue. We provide evidence that suppression of mTORC1, a complex over-activated by nutrients, in bone cells improves insulin sensitivity. In this study, we will determine if blocking mTORC1 function in bone cells can treat diet-induced insulin resistance.

Funding Amount $AUD 603,638.98

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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