
The Identification of a Novel NIDDM Susceptibility Gene Localised to Human Chromosome 12q [ 2001 - 2003 ]

Also known as: Genetics of Adult-Onset Diabetes

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Joanne Shaw (Principal investigator)

Brief description Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (adult-onset diabetes) is very common in Australia and is a major public health problem. It is a leading cause of kidney failure, blindness, heart attacks, strokes and amputations. Over 3% of the Australian population have adult-onset diabetes, and very few Australians have not been touched in some way by the shadow of diabetes. The precise cause of diabetes is unknown, however we do know that it tends to run in families, indicating that an inherited tendency is important. By finding genes which cause diabetes we have the opportunity to unravel much of the mystery of this condition. This research program will find genes which cause diabetes by searching for them in large pedigrees in which many family members are affected by diabetes. Finding the genes which cause diabetes will have a significant impact in at least three major ways. Firstly, it will increase our understanding of the disease process. Secondly, it will be possible to develop tests to identify people at risk of diabetes at a very early stage so that therapy can be introduced and complications averted. Thirdly, it will be possible to develop new and more effective approaches for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Funding Amount $AUD 438,055.08

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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