
Beta cell mass in Type 1 diabetes mellitus and islet transplantation [ 2008 - 2012 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Shane Grey (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr David Laybutt A/Pr Sofianos Andrikopoulos Prof Christopher Nolan Prof Jenny Gunton
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Brief description This research program will examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the loss of Beta cell mass and function: During the pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1D); and Following islet transplantation. Though these processes have traditionally been considered to be purely immune-mediated, it is now clear that the response of the beta cell is critical to the final outcome of the auto-immune process and response to therapeutic interventions. Thus the complex interactions between the cellular and soluble constituents of the immune system, plus the effects of a deregulated metabolic milieu, are integrated at the beta cell. This in turn activates a series of complex transcriptional programs in the beta cell that together determine the beta cells ultimate functional status and survival. We will use knowledge gained from studying these processes to drive the development of novel therapeutic targets and strategies to improve the success of immune-based and transplantation-based therapies.

Funding Amount $AUD 3,070,136.06

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Diabetes Collaborative Research Grants

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