
Characterization of the molecular basis of human sperm-oocyte interaction [ 2009 - 2011 ]

Also known as: Human sperm-oocyte interaction

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Brett Nixon (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Eileen Mclaughlin Prof Moira O'Bryan

Brief description In this proposal, we shall exploit our expertise in gamete biology and innovative proteomic technologies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that underpin human sperm-oocyte interaction. This exquisitely cell- and species-specific event constitutes one of the most strategically important cellular interactions. Our research will provide the foundation for diagnosis and treatment of male infertility and identify a range of targets for the development of novel contraceptive technology.

Funding Amount $AUD 492,956.58

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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